Levi’s Angelversary Toy Drive was a huge success!!

by | Jul 21, 2024 | I Did It!, News

Happy 3rd Angelversary Levi! We love and miss you.
This year LovefromLevi honored Levi’s Angelversary with a major toy drive, with a twist. Fifty-five stuffed animals were donated by our great supporters along with several doctor kits. Each stuffie underwent various psuedo-medical procedures. We placed either a hickman line, port, ng tube, trach tube, or g-tube (just to name a few) in each stuffed animal. That way the child can have a cuddly friend like them. This is an important aspect of medical play and can help kids cope with stressful experiences. The child life specialists at the University of Iowa Stead Family Hospital were very excited to receive these gifts. They feel that the stuffed animals will really make an impact on the patients. A huge thanks to our donors, crafters, and packagers who made this possible. Levi would be proud of us, in his words “we did it”!!!!!